


 Little ones are very special to Woodin Valley Baptist Church. Our experienced staff strives to know each child’s needs and personality. Parental instructions are recorded on a white board for reference by the staff. We are



   Here at Woodin Valley, we view the Children’s Ministry as a vital part of our church ministries. Although we do have a great time in fellowship and fun, our main focus is to teach our children the Word of God. We can accomplish this task by having teachers that share our focus and desire to see the Lord work in our young people.  

Teen Collective


     Teen Collective exists to cultivate an environment for our young people that promotes a heathy walk with God. We’re not preparing our youth to serve Jesus later – we’re equipping them to serve Jesus now.  We strive to build an understanding of scripture, create a servant mentality, and grow their relationships with Jesus on a personal level.

College & Career


   College and Career is a class designed for those that are single and in college, going into college, or looking to start their careers (ideal for adults ages 18-30). College and Career years are some of the most important in the Christian’s journey. These are the years when you will sort through ideas, beliefs, and options that will shape the rest of your lives. Our goal is to help you establish a solid, biblical foundation as you seek to leap out into the world on your own. This is done by giving challenging, biblical lessons that are relevant to what a young adult faces in the world today. It is also a great opportunity to build relationships with other young adults who are facing some of the same life situations.

FAmily Foundations


   Marriage is the second most important decision made in life, and it is a lifelong commitment. Our classes are designed to help young couples by teaching on marriage, parenting, finances, intimacy, and many other relevant topics. Our goal to use biblical truths to set the foundation for building strong homes that glorify God and help people. This class also allows the opportunity to build strong relationships with other couples that will encourage you in the Lord.



  Each Sunday morning at 10:00 am, we have several different classes to choose from that change on a quarterly basis. Topics range from Book studies, Character studies, to a variety of doctrinal truths that are applicable to everyone, regardless of their spiritual maturity. The objective of our Sunday School program is to teach and equip everyone who attends, so come grow in your walk with the Lord.  For a complete list of classes offered this quarter, please contact our church office.



   At Woodin Valley, we believe in uplifting, Christ-honoring music. The corporate worship is blended with a balanced combination of the timeless hymns of the past, new and old gospel arrangements, and modern songs and hymns from the present. We rest securely on the foundational truth that, when it comes to worship music, God is the audience. It is about Him, not us. We’re instructed in John 4 to worship the Lord “in spirit and in truth.” It is for that reason that we choose to base our corporate worship on songs and hymns that cause participants to think great thoughts about God. We believe that creating opportunities for individuals to worship God in truth will help them to grow in the knowledge of our Savior in a way that purely emotional experiences have never been able to accomplish. Emotions are greater and purer when they are the result of truth. We can say with first-hand experience that the old hymns of the faith are far from dead, but are alive and awake, and that a lot of the modern hymns and choruses contain that same richness and passion that make much of the greatness of God. Here at Woodin Valley Baptist Church, you will experience the spirit of God that is present in the singing and uplifting of His name in true, biblical worship.



   At Woodin Valley Baptist Church, we have a desire to share the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ with our community. The church membership is encouraged to share the message of the gospel to those we come in contact with throughout the week. We are a “soul-winning” church.

Christian School

  Woodin Valley Christian School was established in 2001 as a ministry of Woodin Valley Baptist Church, under the guidance of Pastor Rich Farinella. Starting in a small, one-room schoolhouse, Woodin Valley Christian School has grown into a strong K-12 institution that is privileged to meet in a beautiful building with large, clean classrooms above the church fellowship hall and kitchen. Honoring Christ has been our priority since the school began, and we feel that God has blessed us due to that priority. Many graduates of Woodin Valley are working in the ministry or attending Bible college. Many others have professional jobs and are faithfully attending church, fulfilling God’s will for their lives.

     One of the basic reasons why parents enroll their children in a Christian school is to obtain an education grounded in moral values. Woodin Valley primarily uses a Biblically-based curriculum, which includes Scripture memory passages and references to God and Jesus Christ—all designed to help students develop moral character, a sense of accountability, and wisdom in their lives. Standards of personal conduct, school policies, and curriculum continue to build the student’s sense of responsibility and integrity. If you value education and desire a safe learning environment for your child, please contact us.

Church Directory

Get Plugged In

Woodin Valley is a thriving and growing ministry. What makes our church such an incredible place to serve is the people. We are always looking for more friendly faces to help us continue advancing in our endeavor to bring Glory and Honor to the Lord. Please take a few moments to fill out the questionnaire below, and a member of our staff will connect with you on how you can “get plugged in.”